Grandma Jones
This picture was taken about a month ago of my wonderful grandma. Two weeks ago she suffered a stroke, it was a big one and after almost a week in the hospital she was moved to a local hospice for her last days. As you can imagine the last two weeks have been emotionally taxing. I (Eileen) spent every moment I could with her at the hospital then the hospice.
Now is the time to look back as we prepare for her funeral this week. My grandmother was an amazing women, she is part of the generation that has seen so many changes within their world that no other generation to come will ever see as much change (cars, TV's, phones and such). The one thing I think most about this fact is that Grandma was not as changing as her world. Many things in her life were wonderful and many difficult as we all have.. but Grandma was unchanging. The world around her fluctuated, people came and went, circumstances change but not Grandma. She was (and will continue to be in my mind) a solid rock who's main desire was to love and take care of her family. Nothing was as important or valueable to her than the time she spent with her many family members.
I was blessed with having her nearby in my childhood and a constant part of my life. I am a better person for it and am thankful my children have gotten to know and love her.
Grandmas wake will be on Tuesday and the funeral on Wednesday. Please pray for our family through these days.