Friday, 2 May 2014

Life in the UK Test... Done & Passed!!

The life in the UK test... was this morning Friday (May 2nd 2014)

Thank you to all of you who prayed for my (Eileens) test this morning.  I read the book, did the time to study up and thankfully managed to pass the test!!  I was nervous going in but thankful to know so many of you were praying.

now for the next stage...  I now have a special number i can add to my naturalisation application that will help the process.  I believe that was the last thing i needed so i will now work on getting the paperwork together and making the application.

The final end goal with be to have a British passport.  I do not lose my Canadian or any part of my Canadian citizenship or rights but it does mean i don't have to worry about my visa in the UK expiring or laws changing that cause me to do extra visa applications... and the real bonus will be not having to wait in the foreigners line at the airport... at some points of the year this can actually be a 3 hour wait!!!

Please pray with me through these next steps... they will take months to actually get any response on the application so don't be surprised if you don't hear anything on the process for a while!

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