Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The Ceremony!

Well, it is now completely official.  
Today I (Eileen) had my ceremony to become a British citizen.   The ceremony was an interesting British experience where I (Eileen) had to actually sign the national anthem at the end, thankfully only the first verse and in a large group but it was the first time i have ever actually sang it. 

Thank you to all of you who have prayed with us through this process.  It has taken longer than we had expected and cost more than we hoped but we are so thankful it is complete.  

I did spend some time this afternoon in my excitement applying for my very first British passport. 

The question i know some of you are wondering... yes, i did keep my Canadian citizenship.  I am now a dual Citizen. 

You wanna build a snowman?

Snow in London!!  Yep, today was that special day that each year the kids are so excited for... Snow in London!!! 

The photo I (Eileen) have included isn't that great but if you look really closely you can see the complete excitement on Zachariah's face.   Aaron was able to take some time this morning to take him into the front yard to build a snowman before it all melted.  The picture of the snowman alone is just a few hours later and as you can see... it's the only bit of snow we have left!  

There is simply never enough snow!!!

The Phantom of the Opera

On January 31st Aaron and I (Eileen) had the opportunity to take Eden to see Phantom of the Opera.  This was the present for her 13th birthday which was in May but she agreed.... it was completely worth waiting for.  

At 13yrs old Eden has already developed into a lovely young lady.  She has a true sense of proportion for fun and responsibility and a gentle spirit to see the needs of others.  We are thankful for the blessing she is in our lives and those she meets. 

Now I (Eileen) just have to figure out how to get Aaron to agree to come to a real opera with us...

Our New Normal?

Our New Normal? It seems like with all that is happening in the world we are all trying to understand what are new normal looks like...  ...