Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Whose call would you decline?

The other day I was sitting with a friend trying to have a very serious conversation and my cell phone kept ringing.  Thankfully my phone has this great feature that while it is ringing I just turn it over and it goes to silent.  Each time the phone rang I quickly glanced at the phone to see who it was explaining to Laila that I need to look incase it is the school. On one of the calls it was my son Caleb so I did excuse myself from the conversation to answer the call just incase it was something important, it wasn't important as you can imagine but that wasn't a chance i was willing to take and Laila having kids of her own completely understood. 

The part that really struck me was that when I returned she asked me "wouldn't it be great if God had a cell phone".  I agreed this would be wonderful but then she asked would you ever decline a call that comes in from him? This made me really think. Laila knows that I believe I can talk/pray at any time and about anything. This is great because I would be making the call, it then made me wonder are there things I do that i would not want to call him about? The unfortunate reality is probably yes, or at least for me it would be.  The conversation did make me think and I did share this verse with my friend Laila. 

"Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching" John 14:23a

Friday, 18 March 2011

Celebration Evening

We were excited to get the invitation from Caleb's High School to attend the Celebration evening for this years YR7 class.  All parents of all of the yr 7's are invited and it is the place where the teachers just acknowledge the children for their work.  (year 7 is the first year of high school in the UK)

It was great to sit through the evening and hear all of the wonderful things the teachers had to say, they were very generous with their kind words to the children.  It was clear as the evening went on and various groups made their presentations and photo's were shown from other events throughout the term that the teachers words were not all out of kindness but out of truth, these kids have worked really hard and had fun doing it.

Caleb was pleased at the end of the evening when he was able to take his various certificates home.  He has worked hard and earned them. WELL DONE CALEB!

Our New Normal?

Our New Normal? It seems like with all that is happening in the world we are all trying to understand what are new normal looks like...  ...