Monday, 31 January 2011

Your God Listens

Over the years I have been blessed with many friends who want to hear about Gods love for them and why it is such an important part of my life.  I have also had many friends who although spending time with them and their families they are just not interested in spititual discussions.  This is something i have gotten used to and part of everyone's life so can not be avoided.  although i know this i often pray for the opportunity to step out of that relationship and share with these friends the things that are important to me.

Recently I had a phone call from a friend in the later group. It was bad news as she was struggling with an issue with a family member.  The encouraging part of the phone call was when she said "I need you to pray because Your God Listens".  We prayed for her family over the weekend and waited to see what God would do for her family. At the end of the weekend when i met up with my freind I was so excited to hear her say "I know you prayed" and she continued to tell me how the sittuation had been resolved.

It was exciting to see that although our beliefs are different and she has never really been interested in talking about spiritual things when something did go wrong she called and did know praying would help.  I am looking forward to see how God will continue to work as i try to share more with my friend.

Monday, 17 January 2011

The blogging begins

Hey Everyone,

So this is my new attempt to communicate better.  Do to issue's with our family website i am planning to use this blog instead.  Well, you know what they say... start as you mean to go on.

We are all doing well and enjoying 2011. 

Caleb is enjoying being in High School and had his 12th birthday last week. To celebrate his birthday we had a family dinner and then over the weekend Aaron took Caleb and a couple of his friends to see The Green Hornet. Fun was had by all.

Eden is still in Junior school and really enjoys the school. Her two favorite things are her violin lessons and art.  She is 9 and already looking forward to her 10th birthday, which is months away.

Nathan is in his first year at junior school and enjoys it. His favorite thing about school is being with his friends, he also enjoys science and math.

Well, that looks like a start....

Our New Normal?

Our New Normal? It seems like with all that is happening in the world we are all trying to understand what are new normal looks like...  ...