Monday, 20 November 2017

The First Snow

Zachariah & Jeremiah with their snowman.

The first snow came this weekend and the kids were pretty excited. 
Waking up on a Sunday morning to a blanket of white is idealistic for your first winter.  

We will have a lot of snow this summer and the kids will enjoy it but we are sure as the winter goes on there will be more snow than even children can be excited for so today....  we are enjoying it!!


We've done it!!!  

We are now moved!  It takes a while to feel settled and there are lots of new things to get used to and learn how things work.  At this point we can say that we are doing well and settling in.  We are no where near settled, but that is something only time can do. 

The kids are enjoying their schools, at least as much as kids can enjoy School. 

Our New Normal?

Our New Normal? It seems like with all that is happening in the world we are all trying to understand what are new normal looks like...  ...