Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Ottawa fun... a taste of normal! 

The move to Ottawa has been interesting as I am sure anyone who has moved countries would admit is normal.  The move is the easy part, the transition is somewhat harder and takes a longer time.  We have now been here for three months and are honestly feeling settled (or at least appropriately settled for the amount of time we have been here).  There are so many things we miss about our friends, family and home in the UK.  Life runs differently here and we have to relearn what that looks like.  We are so thankful for the bursts of NORMAL that go beyond our expectations.  Last Sunday Eden and I (Eileen) went downtown to stroll, have lunch and just relax with two friends and their daughters who are both Edens age.  A simple gesture of friendship from them that spoke Life for us.  The idea that slowly normal was returning... 

Monday, 20 November 2017

The First Snow

Zachariah & Jeremiah with their snowman.

The first snow came this weekend and the kids were pretty excited. 
Waking up on a Sunday morning to a blanket of white is idealistic for your first winter.  

We will have a lot of snow this summer and the kids will enjoy it but we are sure as the winter goes on there will be more snow than even children can be excited for so today....  we are enjoying it!!


We've done it!!!  

We are now moved!  It takes a while to feel settled and there are lots of new things to get used to and learn how things work.  At this point we can say that we are doing well and settling in.  We are no where near settled, but that is something only time can do. 

The kids are enjoying their schools, at least as much as kids can enjoy School. 

Sunday, 8 October 2017


Thanksgiving day pumpkin pie in Canada!
(made by Eden)

 These last few months have been busy, maybe hectic would be the better term.  Not the type of hectic we normally talk about but instead the hectic that has your emotions up and down so fast you find yourself asking “hmmm... that was an interesting reaction”.  The process of moving had been simple in some ways, difficult in others, traumatic even at times but through it all there has been times of fun, relaxing and even enjoyment. 

Monday, 17 July 2017

Transform 2017

WOW! 50 years!!

June 24th 1967 - June 24th 2017

A few weeks ago we celebrated Randy & Margie's 50th wedding anniversary.

The pic above shows all six of their kids with all six of their spouses and their 24 grandchildren.  Margie's sister Dail is also in the picture, she was the 'surprise' for the event as she flew over for the week from Wisconsin. 

Monday, 3 July 2017

Spring 2017


As you all know Eileen is from Ottawa, Canada.  As a family we have always loved going back and visiting family and friends there. Over the years it has continued to be a place we have called home even though we have been so far away.

Over the past months we have spent time talking, praying and searching out answers as we have found various doors opening that we had expected.  As we have walked through each of these doors it seems like they have all lead us to the point that we are now at.  

We are pretty excited to announce that we will be moving to Ottawa!  This is pretty huge for our family and we would really value your prayers for the coming months as we have a lot to do in a short time along with 'normal' life. 

Aaron, Eden, Nathan, Zachariah and Jeremiah will all head to Ottawa on August 29th.  Eileen will follow them on September 3rd.  Unfortunately Caleb will not be able to come with us as he will be starting university in September here in the UK.  We will be looking forward to having him join us for the holidays. 

These above photo's are of the younger 4 kids on their first day of school in September.  They all enjoy school but are all looking forward to not wearing a suit every day!! 

Eden & Nathan will be attending the local high school in grades ten and eleven.   Zachariah will be in Senior Kindergarten and Jeremiah is too young for school in Canada. 

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Spain | January 2017

A pre-conference visit

This past week I had the opportunity to visit Spain to view the site for a conference in July.   A lot of the 'site work' had been done in advance and contracts signed so this visit was an opportunity to work out the logistics of how we will work with what they have to offer.  It was not a difficult visit as the site is great and going to be ideal for our needs.

A pastor from one of the local churches showed us around and after the meetings took us to see some of the local area to have an idea of where we are coming to.  The area is beautiful.  We will be located on the edge of Terragona on the way to Cabrils, this is about an hour from Barcelona.

Here are just a couple of pictures i took well driving around...

A view off the main street in Terragona.
Yes, i will be needing to have a morning walk along this coast!

Further into the city this is the view with the old roman ruins just off the coast. 

This is a statue of Paul.  It is believed that this is the very spot that he shared the gospel when arriving in Spain. 

This is just a small little road that i thought was cute as we  were driving past and wanted to share with you.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Zachariah is 5! 

It is hard to believe but Zachariah is now 5.  He loved his birthday and his party with his friends.  He has announced that he is now ready for more responsibility now that he is 5.  We are not exactly sure what that will look like but glad he is up for the challenge. 

Monday, 16 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017!

Family photo, January 2017

Happy New Year 2017

WOW!!  It's 2017!  That seems to have snuck up on us real quick!!  I am not sure where the year went and i am amazed that 2016 is over but we had a great year and will take lots of memories, lessons and friendships forward with us.

2017 is already looking to be another great year.  We look forward to telling you about the plans we have for ministry and family and how things all play out as time goes on.

We continue to need and value your prayers for our family and ministry in this coming year and are so THANKFUL for all of you and your involvement in our lives, family and ministry throughout 2016!  Please know we are grateful for the roles that each of you have played in our lives.
Before they call I will answer, While they are yet speaking I will hear.
Isaiah 65:24

Caleb turns 18! 

Seriously Big Changes in 2017!

ok, with every new year comes new celebrations, milestones and things to look forward to.
2017 has brought a first for us... This above picture is of Caleb as we celebrated his 18th birthday (two days early, before Grandma Renaud left)! Our first adult child! Family dynamics are always changing. pray for all of us as we adjust to our new dynamics. 

New Years eve 
New Years Eve

December 31st, always an exciting night across the world.  We like many had a wonderful evening with friends, playing games and having fun.  Aaron almost missed it all, he had been in France for a few days with an OM Global Village event and his flight was cancelled then delayed further..... having him only arrive back in London about 9pm on the 31st.

Family fun, January 2017

A Few Family Days

We took the opportunity to sneak away from London for a couple of days after the New Year.  January 1st and 2nd we went to Folkestone.  The weather wasn't perfect and although we were at the coast none of us attempted to swim at the beach.  It was a few fun days of memories to end the holidays with. 

Our New Normal?

Our New Normal? It seems like with all that is happening in the world we are all trying to understand what are new normal looks like...  ...